WIN! A Once in a Lifetime Chance to Judge Prudence's Beauty Awards!

WIN! A Once in a Lifetime Chance to Judge Prudence's Beauty Awards!
By  | Jun 18, 2010

Beauty awards are often contentious: sometimes accused of being advertiser-driven or biased, it's can also be hard for the ordinary beauty lover on the street to understand how decisions were arrived at and the reasons why particular products won in their category.

Now in its second year, I'm putting together Prudence's Best Buy Beauty Awards again, and has a real once in a lifetime opportunity for a beauty junkie, because one of you lovely readers will get a chance to be one of judges for the 2010 lineup!

Oh yeah.

Not only will you get to judge a whole heap of beauty products worth hundreds of Euro, you'll also get your mug in the mag along with your pronouncements on the stuff you rate and you'll get to see how the process works from the inside at a special judging day in July. You'll see first-hand what a fair and honest process it is and you'll get to meet some really interesting people, have a lovely lunch and oh, did we mention the hundreds of Euro worth of beauty bits you'll get to keep?

So, would you like to put yourself forward for this super-special prize?

Oh, we thought you might. Instructions are after the cut!



WHAT DO TO: we want you to send us a 50 word review on two of your favourite products, in two differing categories. Don't do two reviews on lipstick, for example: try to mix it up across product types and show us how versatile you are - because that's how we'll assess the winning entry. We're looking for someone who has a depth of knowledge about products, who knows their way around a beauty hall and who has the necessary critical faculties to take on this task.

HOW TO ENTER: Send your pair of reviews to, marking your entry 'Prudence Beauty Awards'. Please put your reviews inline in your email, not as an attachment, and do remember to give us your full name, postal address and mobile phone number. If you have a blog, please give us a link to it!


Terms are a little different for this one. While the usual rules apply (one entry per person; you must be resident on the island of Ireland; there is no cash alternative, our decision is final and we never share details with 3rd parties; the closing date is Tuesday 29th June 2010 at 5pm), there are a few other terms and conditions we need you to be aware of before you send in your entry:

  • If you are picked as a judge, you will be expected to fully test and trial all the products in your categories; you will have just over three weeks for the testing period, and you will need to ensure that you are free and available during the month of July to do so
  • You will be expected to make yourself available for a full day of judging on July 23rd, in a central Dublin hotel
  • You will consent to have your picture used and quotes printed in Prudence magazine, on and in any other publications which may carry materials on the awards
  • You may not discuss any of the findings of the judging panel or reveal anything about the process until Prudence's September/October issue hits the stands
  • You will need to be free to attend the awards night itself, held at the end of August (date TBC)