Yay! Figs and Rouge Now at Nelsons Homeopathic Dispensary

Yay! Figs and Rouge Now at Nelsons Homeopathic Dispensary
By Beaut.ie  | Feb 18, 2010

Say hello to lavhley brand Figs and Rouge, now available on our shores at Dublin's Nelsons Homeopathic Dispensary. It's been available at Love Lula for a good while, which is a firm seal of approval for anyone who's into naturals. Not all products are organic - though some definitely have Soil Association certification - but the entire range is paraben-, sulphate-, synthetic colouring- and scent-free. Obviously no bunnies etc are maimed in the making.


What could be better than that, eh? How about three-for-two on all products across Nelsons ranges from now until April 30th? Yeah, thought that'd get yisser attentions, alright.