When is €1 too much to pay for makeup? When it's this bad! Penneys Palettes are DESPERATE

When is €1 too much to pay for makeup? When it's this bad! Penneys Palettes are DESPERATE
By Beaut.ie  | Apr 15, 2013

Ooooh look at these!  I was at the Penney's sale and stacked up enticingly by the till were tables of makeup palettes.  Wow they looked amazing.  And they were only €1 each - down from a whopping €2.50!

Perhaps I'd discovered something as good as Valerie's disgusting feet peelers I thought excitedly, hurrying home to try them.  And for €1 where would you be going?

Straight into the bin I discovered.

First up to be eagerly tried was the Glitter Palette.  It only took one swipe for everything to turn to Vaseline and as you can see from my hairy armed blogger swatch that didn't take long.  The bottom stripe is the first swatch and the one above it is just ... Vaseline.  This is overspray and then some.  The glitter has just been sprayed onto a bed of Vaseline.


Boo HOO.

Maybe I'd fare better with the second palette - the lipgloss set?  Nope. Not a chance.  There was NO COLOUR in ANY of the shades.  None.  In fact it was all suspiciously like... Vaseline.  Are we seeing a theme here?

By the time I'd worked my way to the nails I'd kind of lost the will to live.  But these four shades were the best of the lot - at least they had colour and weren't made of Vaseline.  I'd say they'll last approx 30 minutes before the chipping starts though.

Also on my receipt you will see a Zara alike dress that was only €7.  Seven euro!  It's fully lined and really good quality.  Also some trainer liners, a cartoon sweatshirt and a camouflage jacket.  You may also notice something else on the receipt - go on see who spots it first!

All of which I am very pleased with.  Shame about the crap makeup though!  At least I'm only €3 down so it could be a LOT worse.

What's the worst load of rubbish you've picked up?