What is halfway liner and why is it a thing?

What is halfway liner and why is it a thing?
By Rebecca Todd  | Jan 30, 2019

Halfway liner might be a trend you've seen and thought looked odd - or maybe you've never even heard of it before. Here's why you should give it a go.

Halfway liner is actually a thing. As in, it's not just because someone got bored and stopped halfway through doing their liner. It's a trend that often reappears and it's actually really flattering. There is a reason for it to exist. It does amazing things for close-set eyes and for hooded eyes and for very round eyes. What's more,  it's way easier to do than a full line of eyeliner.

Halfway eyeliner makes your eyes look bigger. By keeping the inner half of your eyelid bright and liner-free you create the illusion of bigger eyes.


The technique can be used to create a visual effect. It gives a more almond or cat-like, feline shape to the eyes. It will help to correct certain eye shapes. If you have a hooded eye or quite rounded eyes, this type of liner will be flattering for your shape. It draws out the outer edge of your eye to correct the shape.
Sometimes you can just do halfway liner because it looks cool. Makeup certainly doesn't always have to serve a purpose. Techniques are there to help correct eye shapes and face shapes and to enhance certain features. However, makeup is also there just for fun. It's there to play with and be artistic with. So You can also do halfway liner above or below your eyes just for fun.

Do you like this eyeliner look or does it look a bit strange and unfinished to you?