Top three affordable foundations for oily skin

Top three affordable foundations for oily skin
By  | Jun 2, 2016

The sun is out; the sky is blue; what more could we possibly want in life? A foundation that doesn’t slide off oily skin, that's what!

If you have skin like mine, the heat of the summer can be a pain to keep your foundation looking flawless, especially if the colour of your skin has changed with the sun. Investing in a darker foundation can be pricey for only the three summer months (if even) that we have.

Even if you want a dewy finish, your foundation should relate to your skin type. If you put a hydrating foundation on oily skin, you will just end up looking shiny all over; instead, you should be choosing a matte foundation and highlighting the high points of your face with a powder highlighter. This will give you the illusion of a dewy finish skin, without the worry of makeup sliding off your face.

Here are my favourite budget friendly foundations for oily skin.

  • Rimmel Stay Matte €8.49
  • L’Oreal Infallible Pro-Matte €13.99

  • Revlon 24 hours Colourstay €17.79

Have you found an affordable foundation for oily skin? We want to know which ones is your favourite.