There's a She Wolf in the closet arooo: Halloween looks of yore

There's a She Wolf in the closet arooo: Halloween looks of yore
By  | Oct 30, 2009

Wooo- ooooo. It's nearly Halloween. Bangers have been going off for weeks in anticipation

Gone are the days when we all dressed up in black sacks and were more than happy to receive a handful of monkey nuts in our Halloween bags. Oh what innocent days. (Though I have to say I'm still innocent. When I Googled 'black sack' to see if I could get a nice image for this post I got more than I bargained for. Things that were truly scary I'm telling you. Note to self: turn the Safe Search back on).

Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah - 'going round the houses'. We could hardly wait for dusk to gather before we would excitedly scurry out covered in tinfoil, black sacks, cardboard boxes and the other pieces of household rubbish that made up costumes back when we were chislers. You didn't spend money on Halloween then. And where we lived there were a total of two kinds of plastic masks that could be purchased in the local shops - and everyone had them. The same ones that made your face hot and sweaty. So you were either a witch or a sort of green monster. And that was it.


Now it's all proper costumes, parents escorting the children and treat size bars being handed out at the doors.

Ah I feel like Old Mr Brennan reminiscing about times past. What about you - what did you get up to? Are you off to any Halloween parties this weekend? And if you are tell us what you'll be going as!