Rarely - and by rarely I mean never before - have I received something in the post that's made me laugh so much.
I thought the delivery man was giving me funny and meaningful eye to eye contact as I signed for the box at the door.
"Ooooh someone's sent me a Christmas stocking packed with goodies - how lovely!" I thought, opening the box and upended the stocking to send a multitude of... treats rolling across the kitchen table.
"Wha'?" I thought. And then I took a closer look at the stocking. A specially made Durex stocking embroidered with the Beaut.ie name. I absolutely howled.
Packed it was, choc a bloc, with all manner of Tingles and Plays and other brightly coloured Durex merchandise. And you know - they would make great stocking stuffers! Once you're not planning on giving them to your granny or anything.
Now the funny thing is I HAVE actually reviewed Durex Tingle before - years ago and Ray Darcy read about it on the radio, leading to me becoming some kind of sexpert, as men with previously unsatisfied girlfriends around the country took it upon themselves to email me and thank me for this review and the happiness it had brought into their lives. I was horrified by this new role I found myself in and as I never replied to anyone, my er guru status in the Tingle area quickly petered out.
But yis lot know what you voted as your favourite body gadget in the 2012 Beaut.ie Awards don't you? And we all know a good ride is the best way to bring a healthy flush to the cheeks - why else did Nars name their bestselling blusher Orgasm?
Why not share some seasonal cheer? Have yourself a merry little Christmas indeed!