The only three things you have to do to look festival fabulous all weekend long

It's the height of festival season and with Electric Picnic fast approaching there is only one thing you need to do: Be Prepared.
We, the Beauty Scouts have carefully plotted a step-by-step guide to pre-beautify yourself before spending the weekend having a great aul time in mucky fields, clammy tents and overpopulated port-a-loos. Oh, the lark you'll have!
So, if you don't plan to do an Adele and bare your beautiful face in all it's fresh-faced glory, there are three things you can do to that are guaranteed to look good all weekend long, even if you stay up all night.
- Eyes
I'm sure you are used to my brow obsession at this stage, and it doesn't stop when loud music and warm cider is involved. Your brows shape your face and make it look more symmetrical, and groomed brows give the illusion of being 'done', even if you forego the foundation.
Lashes also give that groomed effect. YUMI or LVL (which are more or less the same thing) are perfect for festivals. It's a technique that perms and tints your natural lash, making you look like you've gone to a whole lot of effort and used a heated lash curler and applied mascara.
- Skin
Nothing says summer festival than a bronzed glow. Whether you have been chipping away with your Dove holiday skin all summer to build a nice sun kissed effect, been away in the sun or plan to get a spray tan, there are hundreds of ways to make your skin look glowing and radiant. Prepare your skin before the festival by drinking loads of water, exfoliating and popping on a face mask the night before. Don't forget to stay hydrated throughout the weekend, and make sure to slather on the SPF.
This one can be hard especially in Irish weather where it might just rain. But let's face it, The Picnic is usually the best weekend of the year, weather wise. Regardless of weather, your hair is such an important feature so plan ahead for all outcomes. Consider getting a blow dry the morning you go down, and make sure you bring your dry shampoo to keep it fresh. If your hair is better curly, make sure you bring your beach spray or whatever product you might need to ensure your hair looks good.
Or you can embrace the boxer braid trend. Do your plaits the first morning and don't even think about your hair till the Sunday night when you can set them free and bask in beach-wave glory.
With these tips your guaranteed to look and feel festival fabulous all weekend long.
Have you got any top tip's we should know about ?