The confusing case of everyone being the same foundation shade. What shade are you?

The confusing case of everyone being the same foundation shade. What shade are you?
By | Apr 3, 2013

Now I've been having a little think about foundation shades.  Obviously we're always banging on about pale shades on because that's the skin colour most of us have - and that's not a surprising fact.  New stats from the Met Office released yesterday confirmed what we already knew really - in one week in March Dublin had two hours of sunshine.

Two hours.  In the whole week. Less than 10 minutes per day.  The rest of the country fared better and of course those of you reading from sunny climes can lie back on your loungers and just feel sorry for us.

We often use Mac as the baseline for comparison for foundation because a lot of people will have used Mac foundation and be familiar with their shades.  Actually Mac use Ireland as the testing ground to develop new, pale shades - NW10 and NW15.

So for example I'm an NW20 - but so is Emma!  And her skin is not the same shade as mine, in real life I'm paler.  (Unless of course we went to get shade matched by a Testy Broader - in which case we'd both be NW35 "to liven us up" a bit).

The whole country seems to be B40 in YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat - I am and so is Lorraine - even though she's paler than me.


So while we're not looking orange, we're still not being shade matched properly.

Have you noticed this?  Have you and your mate been matched with the same shade although you've got different skintone. (Read Am I pink or yellow to find out which you are and some more about Mac shades).

And which foundation have you found that matches your skin perfectly?  Or do you think you'll ever find it?

To the comments! This is an issue of the gravest importance and needs discussion!

*UPDATE: Lorraine has just informed me that she is in fact B10 - now that makes more sense!
