Taking up Needlework

Taking up Needlework
By Beaut.ie  | Mar 7, 2007

Botox has to be one of the most controversial treatments out there. Promising a smooth, albeit more frozen looking face, it's been embraced by millions and is so easily available that you can get it at special parties and on your lunch break. But if you're a bit queasy about injecting what is basically a poison into your face, you're not alone. And it's not foolproof either - some people react badly to it, and one cause of that is the fact that foreign protein cells used as a carrier for the botox toxin can cause problems when they enter your body. And you end up looking like the Joker from Batman. Not really what you want after shelling out a few hundred Eurobucks, is it?

But now we have Xeomin, a brand new treatment that, while still being a toxin, doesn't contain these nasty auld foreign proteins and so shouldn't cause the same level of bad response. Botox is also unreliable unless kept in the right conditions - for example it needs to be refrigerated, and Xeomin doesn't. It's a German invention and is licensed for use there, which means it's only a matter of time before it appears on our shores, I'd imagine. More news as I get it!
