Stupidest Handbag: Mine's a Sonia Rykiel - What's Yours?


Hands up, I pick bags for evening based on their looks and not necessarily practicality. In fact, that's how I approach a lot of things in life and none more so than in the purchase of the above handbag.

sonia rykiel bag

I love it, don't get me wrong. But it's sweet shag all use really. Because it's about the size of a postage stamp, you see. Pretty, designed by Sonia Rykiel (luv u Sonia) and adorned with a metal bow are all plusses in its favour, but capacious it is not. AND the fecking thing cost me a couple of hundred quid to boot. Yeah, mug, they totally saw me coming.

sonia bag


See? My regular purse, phone and a lipstick won't fit in here together - the flap can't close. Forget bringing anything else like housekeys altogether. So when I do use this tiny bag of utter impracticality - but high fashion cred - I have to put my money in the bottom of it loose and even then I only have room for the aforementioned keys, phone and a lippy.

As a receptacle for toting items about, this bag is pretty useless. But I love it so.

What's your most ridic handbag? Spill the beans in a comment!

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