Soothe stressed out hair: Bumble and Bumble Tonic Lotion

Soothe stressed out hair: Bumble and Bumble Tonic Lotion
By  | Jun 23, 2007

Bumble and Bumble is a great range, packed full of natural ingredients. It used to be quite difficult for us in Ireland to get our hands on it, but now it's available in more and more locations, including Peter Mark, who stock the whole range in their salons.

Bumble and Bumble Tonic Lotion
is a refreshing pre styling spray: spritz it on before blowdrying. Hairdressers love it because it evens out dry patches in the hair, giving a smoother, shiny, finish. Enriched with vitamins and tea tree oil, it's great for refreshing the scalp, detangling and nourishing stressed out hair. Hair will drink it up where it needs it. Plus it smells gorgeous.

To give your hair a double whammy of goodness, especially if you wash it frequently, try the Tonic Shampoo . With peppermint, tea tree oil and lemongrass extracts this soothes the scalp, regulates oil and promotes shine. Perfect for men too.


Buy both of these products online from StrawberryNET for €19 (Tonic Spray) and €20 (Tonic Shampoo).