There was a time in the not too distant Celtic Tiger past when statement headgear was almost entirely the preserve of women attending weddings or ladies' day at the races. Only the brave few wore feathers, flowers, or any other kind of fanciness in their hair in everyday life or for non-event nights out.
This season, however, statement headwear is big news and it's everywhere. Corsages on clips that are so big they look like they've been snorting Miracle Gro, hairbands with bows so big clowns would refuse to wear them on the basis they were a bit OTT, and lots and lots of non-fascinator feather options.
I'm not convinced that it's a look I could pull off, and suspect it's one of those things that looks amazing on other people but a bit stupid on me. Needless to say that hasn't stopped me from hemming and hawwing over a flush-to-the-head side feathered number in Fran + Jane and ogling the offerings in Accessorize and on Etsy like some kind of obsessive headwear pervert.
So tell me this and tell me no more, as Granny's neighbour used to say... Will you be giving fancy hairwear it a whirl?
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