Slendertone System Arms: The Update

Slendertone System Arms: The Update
By  | Dec 18, 2009

So I've been busy zapping my arms three times a week for the last while to test out this new Slendertone System Arms device. I might not have truly impressive bingo wings just yet but my upper arms are far from toned and I've long been envious of the likes of Jennifer Aniston and Eva Longoria and their shapely but not too wickedly muscular triceps and biceps.

No holding their arms well away from their sides in photos in an attempt to make them a bit more toned required there.


In the few weeks that I've been using the system, I can see an improvement in definition and am no longer insisting on cardis and cover-ups over sleeveless tops and frocks. (Well, unless it's cold and I need them to keep from freezing solid, like.) I'd compare it favourably to the kind of result that I got a couple of years ago when I was a proper gym bunny and I toned up my arms and shoulders with a near-religious free weights routine.

This Slendertone option, obviously, is much less work, although I have to say that in some ways it was handier in my imagination than In Real Life. I mean sure, you can chill out on the couch with a bit of evening telly while the machine does its thing, but that zapping sensation and the muscle contractions mean that you can't really hope to do much else!