The 3 best body products to avoid crocodile skin this winter

The 3 best body products to avoid crocodile skin this winter
By Sarah Jane Lanagan  | Nov 8, 2016

When winter calls, we want to wrap up. But, there's no reason to put those body products at the back of your cabinet.

We all know winter can be harsh on skin, but it’s the neglect that tends to lead our limbs to look, well, crocodilian. We spend most of the time bundled up in layers of clothing and then come bedtime, it’s a case of getting into those fluffy jammies as quickly as possible; the less time spent in the cold the better. So maybe it’s a case of self-preservation, rather than neglect?

Whatever you want to call it, the end result is the same. We spend time moisturising, defuzzing and exfoliating our legs and arms during the summer and wrap up from head to toe come winter. As Irish women, opaque tights are our best friends during winter. Of course smooth, healthy skin is something we all crave and while we usually focus our efforts on the neck up during winter, today we’re looking at some luxurious products that will keep the rest of us smooth and glowing.

The best bit is, they’re rich enough to bring your skin back from the brink, even if you’ve been neglecting it a little. Meaning you can confidently bare your arms, legs and whatever else you like come Christmas party season. It’s basically a case of having your cake and eating it. And we do love a bit of cake.

  • Trilogy Body Beautiful Set €25


As part of their Christmas collection which is launching this month, Trilogy have included a full sized new product, Pure Plant Body Oil. It comes in a duo set with the award winning Botanical Body Wash.

What I love about these two products is how you can see your skin improve after just one use. The body wash smells incredible, where as the oil has no scent, something that’s handy if you don’t want it to clash with your perfume on a night out.

If ever something was named entirely appropriately, this has to be it. You could literally scoop this out of the jar and eat it, it smells that good.

Funnily enough, although this will have your legs party ready in no time, it’s one of those “treat” products that I love to use on a night in, you know, where you have a roasting hot shower, and sit around in your dressing gown eating pizza and watching a movie. Surely that's not just me?

  • Cowshed Knackered Cow Bath & Body Oil €27

Lavender and Eucalyptus are the key essential oils used in this luxurious oil which can either be massaged directly into skin or dropped into the bath to create an aromatic, relaxing experience. Best of both worlds really, then! Whichever way to choose to use it, you'll find your skin will thank you for it.

Do you look after your skin during the winter? Or do you hide away like us...?