Silver Foxettes: Pixie Geldof et al Go Grey... Voluntarily.

Silver Foxettes: Pixie Geldof et al Go Grey... Voluntarily.
By  | Dec 22, 2009

Most women look for ways to cover their grey hairs. Even if they decide to stop dyeing and go down the silver vixen route, it's probably fair to say that if there was a choice between going grey and holding on to your non-grey hair colour most ladies would choose the latter.

Pixie Geldof  has however decided to fly in the face of such convention, recently going grey voluntarily.  There is, apparently, a trend in London at the minute for the edgy and fashionable chung folks to dye their hair a muted silver, and Gareth Pugh and Giles Deacon sent models down the catwalks at their most recent shows sporting grey locks.



Is it super, do you reckon, or Supernan?