Sharon Stone - Dior no more

Sharon Stone - Dior no more
By  | Jun 13, 2008

So a couple of weeks ago Sharon opened her mouth - and put her foot right in it. She caused outrage in China by proclaiming that the recent earthquake in China was karmic retribution for their treatment of Tibet. Dior didn't really have a choice but to axe her, given the millions that they stood to lose by keeping her as a 'face'.

Oh Hollywood stars! Sure you don't live in the real world with the rest of us at all at all. Do yis ever think before shooting your mouth off about say, Scientology, or adopting only the photogenic babies from starving nations? No? Fair enough so.

But in the midst of this China- insulting- crisis there was one thing I noticed.


Sharon looks absolutely GORGEOUS doesn't she? She's chopped off the dodgy hair extensions (they were doing nothing for you girlfriend) and is postitively glowing. If anyone is ageing well it's Ms Stone.

Who else do you think is ageing well? And do you like Sharon's look?