Rate it: Airport beauty shopping

Rate it: Airport beauty shopping
By Beaut.ie  | Apr 24, 2009

I have a little confession, and I suspect I may not be alone here; beauty shopping at the airport is a huge part of the excitement of going away somewhere for me. I love the big savings to be made, of course, as well as the travel value packs and retail exclusives. Oh and the fact that as soon as you go through security, you are officially on holidays and any money spent on frivolous things just does not count back in the real world.

I always pay a visit to the Armani counter at Dublin Airport and I love to look at the travel-sized skincare sets that are available - very handy if you've just realised you left your cleanser or moisturiser at home. And when heading to sunny climates, the wide variety of sunscreens on offer is fantastic.


So what do you think of beauty shopping at the airport? Do you love it, hate it or not do it at all? Do you stock up on old favourites, or try something new? Let us know in a comment below!