Pet perfumes: no more Eau de Wet Dog

Pet perfumes: no more Eau de Wet Dog
By  | Jan 9, 2008

Ah god knows we love em. Those bundles of fur who look up at us so adoringly, who love us no matter what, who are so loyal and trusting.

But they can't half whiff. Cats are normally fine* - but dogs - ugh. Dogs can stink. Through no fault of their own (or their owners). So no wonder that a whole industry of Pet Perfumery has sprung up.

Now you can go that bit further than spraying Fabreeze or Oust over the dog basket. You can scent your animal with a delightful fragrance. But goes a bit too far in its over enthusiastic endorsement of Oh MyDog! perfume methinks. Apparently "a number of family members use and enjoy these products themselves!"


Jaysus. Can you imagine the comments if anyone found out?

* The exception to this is a cat who has accidentally walked in something unpleasant. Known in our house as "poo paws", the offending animal is picked up at arms length and he, and his offending malodorous paws, are hastily put out the back door.