Oh honey honey: Bee Yummy like Fiona

Oh honey honey: Bee Yummy like Fiona
By Beaut.ie  | Feb 5, 2009

Now, if I were Pursued by a Bear the last thing I'd be doing is sticking my snout in some honey. Lucky for us then, Fiona is braver than me and she's guest posting today to tell us all about her fab new skincare discovery.

If it weren't enough that they've already given us Obama, diner breakfasts, country music and Jeffrey Eugenides, Amerikay has gone done outdone itself with the bestest beauty product ever known to mankind. I know it sounds like hyperbole, but I would even swap my Touche Eclat for this one, and that's saying something.

Folks, say hello to Bee Yummy Skin Food, a moisturiser, skin balm and nourishing healing cream all rolled into one, and get this: it's made from all natural, live (OK I don't know what that means either, but I like it) and organic products.

Here's the thing: I have acne/combination/sensitive/impossible skin, and even managed to get to age 34 without regularly moisturising, because I could never find one that didn't make me break out in pimples and leave an oil slick on my already shiny face. No more! Bee Yummy has changed all that, and is particularly recommendable for oily or acne-prone skin.


Made from Wildflower Honey, Honey Cappings, Bee Pollen, Propolis, St. John's Wort Oil, Royal Jelly, Purified Water, and Balsam Fir Needles, there's nothing in here to do anything but good, and it smells pratically edible.

The only downside is you can't get it in Ireland yet, but the kind folks at Bluecorn Naturals kindly shipped some over for me. At $28 a pop for the skin food itself, I had to fork out a further $29 for the shipping, but all came in such an enormous box that I'm pretty sure next time I could fill it with six of these skin delights and bring down the individual price.

Besides, recession or no recession I would pay top dollar for this stuff - it works and feels so soothing on my skin. Bee-autiful!