Nintendo DS Facial Yoga

Nintendo DS Facial Yoga
By  | Nov 1, 2007

Nintendo continue apace with their quest to get us wimmin playin' computer games. Before you get all mushy at the thought of them being so concerned, it's not that they're worried we're missing out, rather that they may be missing out - on cash. Brain training games have proven to get chix interested in gaming, and so should their latest one, The Face Training Game, for DS (y'know, the little hand-held you can get in pink) has an interesting beauty element:

The “facial yoga” game will be aimed at women since research shows 66% of DS users are women. A spokesman for Nintendo said: “Through a camera and a series of daily exercises, the DS console becomes a compact mirror that helps improve facial muscle tone, improving your appearance.” -


Eva Fraser, be afraid, be verrrrrrry afraid.