Behold the €10 mascara that could replace false lashes

Behold the €10 mascara that could replace false lashes
By Aisling Powell  | Sep 14, 2016

We think there's room on the market for the new mascara and fiber extension kit that may just have the power to replace false lashes

When they do a Reeling in the Years on this decade, it will be filled with people who look like they have caterpillars stuck to their eyelids. They will appear sleepy and confused as their eyes simply won't open to a normal width. Ah, false lashes, you will cause much confusion amongst future generations.

And so to combat the flutter flop, many of us turn to lash extensions which can yield better results. But those fluttery lashes come at a cost both to your pocket and own lashes. I am always on the look out for a product that can deliver volume and length without the side effects so when Wet 'n' Wild's new mascara + fiber extension kit landed on my desk, I was straight to the make up chair to try it out.

Lash-O-Matic will set you back just under €10 and the two part kit comes with both a mascara and a lash fiber wand. It promises 39x more volume in three easy steps but I'll be the judge of that thankyouverymuch.

Here is my before pic:


Step 1:

Using the mascara, I primed my lashes.

Step 2: 

I applied the lash fibers over the damp mascara in the same way as I applied the mascara.

Step 3:

To finish, reapply the mascara on top of the flexible nylon fibres to seal it all together. And if you want an even more dramatic result, simply add more fibres.

Overall, I was pretty impressed with it. It delivered pretty dramatic results in three minutes and it's earned its place in my make up kit.

Now, is it going to replace false lashes forever? No. In my opinion, a well-applied and good quality false lash will always look more polished and neat than mascara on your lashes. But I think that there is room for both in the market place. It's a great substitute if you don't have time to get to the salon before an event and, sure, at that price, it would be rude not to.

Are you a big lash lover? Or do you prefer the au natural look?