Mario Badescu Silver Powder

Mario Badescu Silver Powder
By  | Feb 16, 2007

When I heard Ava had purchased the Mario Badescu Silver Powder and was about to try it out, I had to have a review from her! Mario Badesco is an all natural range of high quality skincare, beloved of supermodels and other fabulous beings. The Drying Lotion is famous for being able to quickly clear up zit attacks, while the Silver Powder tackles blackheads, or as we prefer to say at, "areas of congestion".

Here's what she thought:

"Well i tried the Silver Powder last night and I was pretty impressed with the results. After cleansing I dipped a cotton ball in water then into the Silver Powder and smoothed it onto "congested" areas, my nose and chin. It smoothed on really nicely, like a very fine paste. After ten minutes it had dried like a clay mask and I removed it using some Lancome toner followed by warm water and a muslin cloth.


There was definitely a noticeable difference in the congested areas. The pores, particularly on my nose looked cleaner and smaller afterwards and still do this morning. Apparently you notice the real difference after a few weeks of use, so I'm definitely going to be sticking with it. It undoubtedly had more of an effect than many of the other similar blackhead removing/ cleaning/ tightening/ controlling/ wrangling (the list goes on!) products that I've tried.

All in all I would say thumbs up for Mario Badescu".