Mam there's sand in my Chilly Willy: it's ice pop time!

Mam there's sand in my Chilly Willy: it's ice pop time!
By  | Aug 19, 2010

The joy of cheap ice pops is like the joy of cheap crisps. Nothing can bring you slamming back to your childhood faster than the smell of a pungent bag of Meanies or the bright blue goo of a Mr Freeze.

And the sound of the ice cream van used to send us screaming like banshees into the house begging on our knees for money to buy one.


HB Metropolitan was the zenith of sophistication  - there was nothing like those fancy shmancy  Ben and Jerry's then.  A Slider made from wafers and a slab of vanilla ice cream - oh we were in heaven.

What were your favourite ice pops of yore?  Rate em here!