I've always had long hair, but in recent years it had gotten a bit out of control. It was half way down my back but I was really bad at maintaining it. The ends were dry, I rarely got it cut and most days I tied it back to keep it out of the way.
It needed to be cut but rather than my usual bi-annual trim, I decided it was time to hack it all off. I don't know if it was boredom or the spring air. It was an idea that had been in my head since the new year, it just took me a few months to pluck up the courage to actually do it.
Having so much hair, it seemed a shame that it would be just be thrown in a bin after I had it cut. It seemed wasteful. That's when I made the decision to donate it. I found the charity Little Princess Trust that accepts donations of hair to turn into wigs for children who have lost theirs due to cancer treatments or alopecia.
What I liked best about this charity was that it allowed you to get your hair cut at your own local salon, and then send it via post to them. They provided simple, easy to follow guidelines on their website, which made the whole process very straight forward.
I went to the lovely folks at Ultimate Hair in the GPO Arcade, and they were kind enough to help me out with the whole thing. For the big chop, my hair was plaited and cut above the top band so it would stay together while being shipped.
There were no Top Model style meltdowns, I'm sorry to report. However, I did keep grabbing the air where my hair had once been in disbelief. I got it styled into a bob, rather than going boy short. Keeping a bit of length made the transition easier, but I wouldn't rule out going for something more dramatic in the future.
Waking up the next morning, I somehow managed to forget that my hair had been cut. It was quite a shock looking in the mirror. I'm still getting used to it, especially the feel of the ends of my hair brushing off my neck. Out of habit, I keep attempting to pull my hair into a ponytail. On the positive side, I love how much lighter I feel and how quick it is to wash and dry. My hair looks much healthier, and is far easier for me to manage on a daily basis.
For anyone else thinking about making this decision, talk it over with your hairdresser first but don't be afraid to go for it.