Mac Oil Control Lotion: Holy Grail Product for Oily Skin?

Mac Oil Control Lotion: Holy Grail Product for Oily Skin?
By  | Jul 8, 2014

With the weather as it is lately, four seasons in one day (sometimes I suspect that there may actually be five) I'm struggling to keep my makeup on my face. It starts there, sure, but by the end of the day it's travelled down towards my toes. And I’m sure there are ladies out there in the same oily disposition as myself.

Now don’t get me wrong - I am normally thankful for my oily skin. I hope that some day it may save me a few wrinkles but the patchy “oh did you forget the middle of your face” make up? That I am not grateful for.

But I think I may have found the answer. Mac's Oil Control Lotion has changed my face (in a good way, not in a Nicholas Cage 'Face/Off' kinda way).

This baby means that my make up stays put for the whole day and even if I get oily in my t zone, the makeup still hangs on. You only use a pea sized amount which spreads really nicely, and it has a light refreshing scent. The consistency is light and it dries instantly (nice to know as I put a primer on over it and then foundation).

The 50ml bottle comes with a €31.50 price tag but honestly, for the amount of product you use this stuff will really last. It doesn’t cause any dryness (something that I am always aware of when trying this new products on my skin), it purely just controlled the excess oil.


And if you fancy having a makeup free day, you can use it alone on the skin. It keeps the face looking dewy (but not downright oily) all day.

I prefer using a lotion like this as opposed to using layers of powder to control the oily area. And this one has found a special place in my  (oily) heart.

Have you tried Mac's Oil Control Lotion? Do you have any tricks for keeping the shine and slippage at bay? And you can check out more of tips for keeping makeup on oily skin here. Share your thoughts with us in the comments!