Let's Dish: Makeup Looks That Just Don't Work

Let's Dish: Makeup Looks That Just Don't Work
By Beaut.ie  | Feb 9, 2015

I know a makeup artist who is very accommodating towards her clients. She will always do her very best to do whatever makeup look the woman in question wants (yes, her clients are usually women) but she will firmly let them know when something just does not suit them, but sometimes people just won't accept that the smoky eyed look makes them look more miner than Moss.

It's a sad pill for some people to swallow but the cat eye flick will not work on all eyes. I would love to be able to do that 60s ingenue thing, complete with thick black liner that peaks up at the outer corners but the shape of my eyes just won't let it work.


I acquired a lippy and lip liner that matched recently so attempted to do a Kylie Jenner on it over the weekend. If her lips could look fuller with a simple lip liner trick (hmm...) surely I could do something similar? Surely not. My smackers are supposed to be the shape they are and with trickery they just end up making me look like Pete Burns (but I won't be spinning anyone right round looking like that.)

What makeup looks would you love to be able to pull off but you know they just don't suit you? Have you been trying something for years but now realise it wasn't doing you any favours? Let's gab in the comments!