If it's good enough for our Queen of the Nile... Lancome Resurface-C

If it's good enough for our Queen of the Nile... Lancome Resurface-C
By Beaut.ie  | Jul 30, 2007

Cleopatra's been using the Lancome Resurface-C home microdermabrasion kit and loving it.

She admits she is "one of the laziest people when it comes to a skin care routine and only in the last few months have I started removing my makeup every night. I recently moved office, and I have noticed that the pores on my cheeks seem a wee bit more prominent. My addiction to Beaut.ie also surfaced in and around the same time too…"

And it looks as though she had a very good beauty counter moment. "The assistant in Arnotts was so helpful when I discussed with her what I wanted. I felt that my skin had begun to look a wee bit dull (I blame the air con) and I told her that I was trying to get into good habits as regards establishing a skin care routine. She recommended the Resurface-C for me as I have young skin. I'm 28 and I could have kissed her for describing me as young. I was so delirious with this compliment I happily handed over my hard earned dosh.

"The Resurface-C has two elements to it: a face scrub which you use twice a week for 4 weeks and a cream that you put on every night. The scrub consists of very fine granules which you massage into your face in a circular and upwards motion. I have to admit the first time I used it, it felt like I was cleaning my face with sandpaper. It was so sore, but a quick rinse later and some of the cream slathered on my poor raw face, all felt fine.


"Now, as some of you know, I get up at half five most mornings to go to work and am normally bleary eyed at that hour. After about two weeks of using the Resurface –C I looked in the mirror at 05.30, lo and behold the first thing I thought was ‘Wow my skin looks really good this morning’. It seemed clearer and brighter than usual.

I am well impressed with this product, and would definitely recommend it, but do have a chat with the girls on the Lancome counter. I am going to start another four week session soon. I used the correct amount of this product and still have loads of it left. Perfect for a wee boost for my tired skin.

"One thing to note: the next time you are in your beauticians, ask her what motion to use to apply the creams for Microdermabrasion. Be careful not toscrub too hard, as it can leave you with broken veins if you are too rough. On the Lancome site you can watch a video that tells you how best to use the Resurface-C.

"All in all, Resurface-C gets the thumbs up from me."

Thanks Cleopatra, this review has inspired me to finally use my kit which has been gathering dust for ages!