How to Body Brush

How to Body Brush
By  | Jul 10, 2008

There's no doubt about it - body brushing is a Very Good Thing.

It's easy, it's cheap and it requires only a leetle bit of effort on the part of a lazy personage.

Why should I do it?
The skin is the biggest organ of elimination in the body and brushing can speed up the elimination of toxins. Benefits can include improved circulation, increased lymphatic drainage, smoother skin - and this is key - a reduction in cellulite. Plus it's also great for preventing ingrown hairs and even keratosis pilaris (those annoying little bumps on your arms).

How do I do it?
So how exactly should you do it to reap these rewards? As confusion often reigns about this procedure I have assembled a handy Four Step How To.

  1. Start with dry skin, before your bath or shower. Wet skin can stretch and pull and you won't get the benefit of brushing away those dead aul skin cells
  2. Beginning with the soles of your feet, brush upwards towards your heart. Same with your arms - always brush towards your heart.
  3. Brush your tummy in circular anti-clockwise strokes (to complement digestion).
  4. Brush the boobage area very gently (avoid the nipples as this would be a big outch factor).

And you're done. This should take about two minutes before your morning shower and can have amazing results. You can buy a body brush in any good chemist. Choose one with good stiff natural bristles.

Now, the only thing is remembering to do it!

(Note: pic almost totally unrelated to post. I will however draw a weak link between the toxin elimination and circulation benefits of massage and body brushing. Oh wait - now it's totally related! Especially when given by one cat to another).