Hilarious Perm Statistic

Hilarious Perm Statistic
By Beaut.ie  | Aug 15, 2007

Simon from The Dossing Times blog posted a very interesting item on Irishelection.com recently, with regard to the hirsute horrors happening on our fair shores.

Yes, brace yourselves, because one of the most shocking statistics to be revealed in the recent CSO Household Budget Summary is that there is an alarming inequality in the numbers of Irish women getting their hair permed. To be perfectly frank, I'm sort of shocked that anyone is still getting their hair permed, but as the numbers show, what do I know?


Further curly revelations include the fact that the poorest section of the Irish population spends 19 cent a week on perms, while the richest in our society spend less than one cent per week on perming lotion in salons called Curl Up N' Dye, thus proving that in fact, contrary to popular belief, money actually CAN buy taste.