Guest post: Invent them NOW! Red Lemonade picks three movie beauty, fashion genius gadgets

Guest post: Invent them NOW! Red Lemonade picks three movie beauty, fashion genius gadgets
By  | Feb 20, 2012

If you haven't checked out Kitty Catastrophe's pop culture blog, Red Lemonade, then do so immediately!  It's stylish, witty and laugh out loud funny.  We are very proud to have her guest posting and we hope you'll give her a lot of love.  In fact some of you will already know her - take it away Kitty Cat.

There’s a lot of hype and chatter about the upcoming movie version of The Hunger Games. While I haven’t actually gotten around to reading the book yet (an endorsement on the cover from Twilight author Stephenie Meyer is putting me off slightly, as well as making me want to set fire to it), I do quite like the dystopian sci-fi sound of it. Something that really caught my attention is what I’ve been hearing about the brilliant futuristic beauty developments that the citizens of the book have at their disposal.

The lead character, Katniss remarks that “instead of struggling with the knots in my wet hair, I merely place my hand on a box that sends a current through my scalp, untangling, parting, and drying my hair almost instantly. It floats down around my shoulders in a glossy curtain”. Now there’s a timesaver and a half.

So while I’m impatiently waiting for world’s science-types to hurry up and invent the hoverboard already (you have three years guys, because according to Marty McFly, 2015 is your deadline), I’ve decided to compile a list of  inventions and gadgets from films that I wish existed in real life. Kirstie has previously covered the amazingness of Leeloo’s Chanel makeup box from The Fifth Element, so here, in no particular order, are my picks.

The nail pen from Total Recall

I got very excited when I saw this particular scene from Total Recall recently. A secretary at her desk simply picks a colour from the palette in front of her and uses her magic pen to change the colour of each nail from blue to red. No faffing about with nail polish remover, cotton wool, base coats and what have you – but instantly perfect, mess-free colour. Woo!


Hermione’s bottomless bag from Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

When Hermione, Harry and Ron end up on the run, clever Hermione has everything they need all packed into her tiny bewitched beaded bag, including a tent. How incredibly handy would that be? On a night out only to find you’re not happy with your outfit? Well if your entire wardrobe is stuffed into your bag, then problem solved! Heading to Electric Picnic and dreading the thought of lugging everything to the campsite? Fill that little bag with your tent, jumpers and wipes and you’re all set! Not to mention the fact that you could bring it on holiday with everything you could possibly need packed into it and it’d only count as hand luggage. Take that, Ryanair!

Cher’s outfit computer from Clueless

When it comes to getting dressed in the morning, more often than not I end up rummaging around wardrobe shelves, unable to find anything and in no fit state to figure out what won’t make me look like a deranged bag lady. However, Cher Horowitz has no such problems. Picking one thing out of her closet prompts her handy computer programme to complete the rest of her outfit. Easy as pie, and one less thing to make you late for work.

What inventions would you like to see that’d make your life easier?

Head over to Red Lemonade for more like this (and my top pick The [Apprentice] Secretary's Diary)