Grae follows up his adventures from yesterday and tells us how he got on after the back wax. He left out any juicy details though. Bah!
Day 2: Hold the Speedos
It's a lot harder to resist taking a shower the following morning than I thought, so ignoring the advice, I had a shower, but was careful to avoid water touching my back where possible. I found that it's not possible... The redness had completely gone. Stephen had told me that as I have sensitive skin prone to acne, I would probably break out in a few small red spots. My friend who has normal skin and who also showered also reported a few spots here and there.
It's like any treatment with your skin thought - the very next day, you're not going to want to be strutting about in a pair of Speedos showing it off!
Days 3-5: Show and tell
I've getting over the obsession to show and tell absolutely everyone that I've had it done. Some spots still there in the more sensitive area of my back, where the skin is at its most delicate. Not concerned at all though. Could you imagine what it would look like if it was shaved? Waxing means the hair wont grow back as thick stubble and will last much longer.
Day 6 -7: I'm bringing sexy back
One week on and my back has returned to normal - but it's smooth and gorgeous. The overall experience has been extremely positive. I'll certainly go back to Stephen. The prices are reasonable, the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly - Stephen knows his stuff! Keep an eye out for my next post, I think I'm finally brave enough to try a full back, sack and crack next time.
Continue to see the back wax results - may not be safe for work!
Grae showing off impressive results after the wax
Check out www.stephenthomas.ie for a full list of treatments available.