Glycolic Peel #1

Glycolic Peel #1
By  | Nov 7, 2007

I went for a glycolic peel yesterday.

First my skin was photographed in a little face-photo booth type thingie. Then the resulting pictures were analysed. I saw them on the computer. It was horrible. Oh so horrible.

I saw the sun damage. I saw the bacteria. I saw the pores. I saw EVERYTHING. My areas of congestion glowed brighter then a lump of uranium. I'll tell you more about this another time. I'm not quite over it yet.

Moving swiftly on, the dermatolagist made her treatment recommendations. First off, she suggested a course of glycolic peels - six in all, spaced ten days apart. I've had a peel before ages ago, but only one. They have a cumulative effect, so a course is ideal. Fine lines softened? Skin clear and glowing? Areas of congestion smoothed? I was sold.


The peel takes a surprisingly short time. It's applied to your face with a brush. If you feel any areas of tingling/ slight stinging or "hot spots", they are instantly calmed down by the therapist. Plus I had a little tube to hold (like a hoover hose) that blew cold air on my face if I felt too warm. The peel is removed with a soothing cleanser and moisturiser finishes the whole treatment off.

And that's it. No redness, nothing to show you've had this peel done.

I'm looking forward to the next one!