Glittering, Sparkling Makeup: Laura Mercier Gloss

Glittering, Sparkling Makeup: Laura Mercier Gloss
By  | Nov 24, 2006

I was in Brown Thomas last week and actually stopped in my tracks when I caught sight of Laura Mercier Liquid Crystal Lip Glace. This stuff looks amazing! It's iridescent and looks incredible in the tube, so I can only imagine what it looks like on. And dear reader, I do not intend to imagine for long, as pay day - she swiftly approaches.

Laura herself (or more likely one of her minions) says that "Liquid Crystals mimic the brilliance of quartz & opal crystals by reflecting & refracting light giving lips fullness & depth. The remarkable texture glides on the lips with ease & offers exceptional shine with a crystalline iridescence."

It's only available in two shades - a tangerine and a pink, but this makes me happy, as these are the two lipgloss shades I like the most.


I was too star struck by the wonder of it to enquire as to price, but I bet it's about €25.