Give Your Feet Some DIY-Stylee Love for Christmas

Give Your Feet Some DIY-Stylee Love for Christmas
By  | Dec 24, 2008


Whether you've been shopping your little heart out or stomping around the Christmas party dancefloor to ABBA, your poor oul' feet have no doubt been bearing the brunt of all your seasonal activity. So now that things are winding down and the tin of Roses is primed to be cracked open, take a few minutes to reward your worn-out tootsies with an at-home pedicure - that way, they'll not only be free from aches and pains, they'll also be perfectly pretty when you decide to shed your skyscraper heels before settling in for Christmas night board games or the blockbuster movie.

1. Cut nails straight across using a nail clippers. You should be able to see some white at the tip of the nail but it shouldn't extend past the tip of your toe: cutting toenails too short or leaving them grow too long can both lead to ingrowns. Owie.

2. Soak feet for about 10 minutes in warm water with your favourite aromatherapy oils or bath salts. Use a foot scrub or a file to remove any hard skin or calluses (sitting on the edge of the bath facing inwards is definitely the best spot for this.)


3. Dry feet thoroughly before lashing on a good intensive moisturiser and massaging it into your feet and lower legs. Massage a nail oil or cuticle cream into the base of the nails, gently pushing back the cuticles with an orange stick whose angled tip you've wrapped in cotton wool.

4. Lightly sweep a cotton wool ball moistened with acetone free nail varnish remover over the nails to remove any lingering residue which can prevent your nail varnish from adhering properly. Apply a base coat to prevent staining and give your varnish staying power, followed by two thin coats of your chosen colour and then a top coat to add shine and further prolong the life of your pedicure. Run the brush over the edge of your nails when applying your top coat to really seal the deal.

Et voilà- lovely feet to see you through De Chrissmiss and into 2009!