Garnier Ambre Solaire Golden Protect Oil sends me into a frenzy of anticipation

Garnier Ambre Solaire Golden Protect Oil sends me into a frenzy of anticipation
By  | Apr 30, 2010

Oh! There's nothing I love better than an aul huile!
I am only mad for the oils of all sort. Be they cleansers, moisturisers, hair, bath, nail , body or dry oil if they make it I've gotta try it.

But sun oil - that was one I never ever went near. Apply any type of oil to your skin before sunbathing and it simply acts as a conduit for the sun, meaning that you cause the maximum amount of damage possible. This type of oil was incredibly popular in times of yore as people fried themselves to a leathery brown crisp and held tinfoil up to their faces all the better to enhance the rays of the sun. Ah sure we didn't know any better then. Now you still do see sun oil of course, especially abroad - the shops in the Costas and the Greek Islands are packed with bottles of the stuff and so is my mother in law's bathroom cabinet.

Oil on the skin can be really flattering, particularly if the oil is slightly tinted. Many of the high factor suncreams can turn you as white as a ghost, and while I religiously slather them on I actually did always wonder why we couldn't have oils with high factor sun protection. I did ask but there were all sorts of sciency reasons why it wouldn't work.


So I'm all exceria about this new sun product from Garnier Ambre Solare, Golden Protect Oil. This product has been knocking around for decades but it never had a high sun protection factor included - until now.

Enriched with shea butter for maximum moisturisation and with a high SPF protection this look like it might be what I've been waiting for. I haven't tried the product yet in hot sun, but you can bet your fried ass I will. It comes in different strengths, and it's the SPF30 (€26.22) I've got my eye on. I'll try it out and let you know how I get on.

I'm off to the Canaries at the end of the month and roll on the holidays, Golden Protect Oil you are so coming with me.