Giddy up for the G-Shot. Would YOU have it done?

Giddy up for the G-Shot.  Would YOU have it done?
By  | Mar 20, 2009

We were talking about plastic surgery yesterday and whether or not we'd consider it. So let's take this a little bit further and consider a topic recently discussed in detail on prime time telly.

When P-Ken interviewed the Vagina Doctor on the Late Late a couple of weeks back we were all agog.

The G Spot exists, of this Dr Matlock was sure. And he knows exactly where to find it, bringing anatomical models of vaginas around with him, to demonstrate to all and sundry.

"Do you know where it is?" he asked P-Ken, whose knowledge of such a novelty seemed to be derived from magazines at the dentist. Or at least that's what he said anyway.

Although we all went ewww at the thought of Pat even knowing about such matters, we all wondered - would it work? An injection of collagen inside the fanny to increase sensation and provide so many orgasms that you could have them without even being near a naked willy. Why just being at your spinning class or driving down the road could be enough to put a smile on your face.

"More bang for your buck" proclaimed P-Ken, getting quite giddy as the interview proceeded.


So what do you think - tempted?

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