First look inside Gorgeous to Go! Baby we're ready to go - from the rooftops shout it out

First look inside Gorgeous to Go! Baby we're ready to go - from the rooftops shout it out
By  | Oct 4, 2011

 Ding Dong went the bell.

It was Peter from Gill and MacMillan at the door with a big bunch of (yellow!) flowers - and THE BOOK!  Hot off the presses there was only one preview copy and it was in my hands.  I rang Kirstie ("SCREAM! I have the book!") and we hurried to a nearby Starbucks to eat it up with our eyes.

We took a few snaps of a couple of the interior pages - there's tons of product recommendations, insider info and tips and lots of all the stuff we know you love.  It's a super cute A5 size, designed especially to fit into a handbag and with a durable lightweight cover so you can take this book out and about with you when you're deciding what to buy.  Read more info about what's in the book.

And without further ado - here's the pics!


Gorgeous To Go: The Guide to smart shopping, launches exclusively in Brown Thomas Dublin at 2pm Oct 8th 2011.  Available nationwide from Oct 14th. RRP €12.99