First Look: Bobbi Brown Brightening Brick, I Think I Love You

First Look: Bobbi Brown Brightening Brick, I Think I Love You
By  | Jun 14, 2013

If complexion products are your thang and you like to get your glow on, you are gonna love, love, love what’s coming down the line from Bobbi Brown.

With one swirl of the brush, this new, limited edition Brightening Brick will lift, brighten and illuminate your face and create the prettiest, glowiest cheek you’ve ever seen.

If the brand’s shimmer bricks are too sparkly for your taste, and the Brightening Finishing powder isn’t sparkly enough, then this little beauty should be pretty much exactly right.

Doesn't Katie look stunning? And that's the Navy & Nudes palette for your viewing pleasure

A cross between a highlighter, a finishing powder and a blush, this newbie is part of Bobbi’s upcoming Navy & Nude collection, which sees the brand totally playing to their strengths. It’s elegant and chic, and the pops of navy add a little grown up depth and drama.

For me this one’s the highlight (no pun intended!) of the lot – six perfect and pretty shades of pink and peach with varying degrees of shimmer and shine, that swirl together for a veil of delicate and luminous colour. It’s just SO PRETTY.

I think I just drooled a little on my keyboard.

The feckin sun decided to do one and I couldn’t for the life of me capture this on my skin in the resulting gloom, but rest assured I will try to use it in an upcoming post, and soon.

In the meantime you’ll have to take it on faith: this is gorgeous. Really, really gorgeous. And at €55, it’d really, really want to be.

It's on counter next month – are we liking?