Eddie Hobbs Advises: Rose Fans - Swap Jo Malone for L'Occitane

Eddie Hobbs Advises: Rose Fans - Swap  Jo Malone for L'Occitane
By Beaut.ie  | Dec 10, 2007

Gerrils, these beaut.ie lasses have been bring yeeee all manner of posts about fragrance, and oi have to say, oi've been shocked at the proices even a cut proice site like Strawberrynet are charging.

Would you not just splash on a bit of 4711 and be done with it, says I? Or make your own - oi believe that fragrance made from water and rose petals is awful easy to make, like. Can't say much about the smell, but.


And even though oi'm no spendthrift, I do realise ye like to smell noice - but like ladies, there's no need to be lining Jo Malone's pockets. You could spend about €80 on 100ml of her Red Roses scent, or you could get yourself to L'Occitane and get a whopping 125ml of their Fragrance of the 4 Queens for about €50 instead. The choice, it do be yours!