Decleor Ylang Ylang Night Balm: deeeee-vine

Decleor Ylang Ylang Night Balm: deeeee-vine
By  | Sep 22, 2008

It's months since my ill-fated dabbling in DIY cleansing oils, but the skin has been a bit iffy ever since and even now is not quite back to its former self. I'm currently giving Decleor's Ylang Ylang Night Balm a whirl, as it's meant to cleanse and purify combination-oily skin, help diminish existing imperfections, and ultimately rebalance the skin altogether. Fingers crossed!

This is a light yellow waxy balm that smells deliciously exotic and transforms to a lush, melt-y texture in the warmth of your hands. Now, it does look a wee bit shiny immediately on application, but is absorbed very quickly. My skin now looks glowing and healthy of a morning, I think I can see a lessening of my "areas of congestion", and a few die-hard spots I was struggling to get rid of have finally bit the dust.


A 15ml tub will set you back €40.50 from Strawberrynet where you'll get free shipping; the same size on the high street is €44 while the 30ml version is €73. I will say this for it: a little goes a looooong way. An amount smaller than the size of a pea is all that's required to do the whole face, so I've barely even scratched the surface of my little 15ml jar of the stuff after three weeks use - good news for anyone who's watching the pennies!