This secret weapon concealer is brilliant for NYE selfies

This secret weapon concealer is brilliant for NYE selfies
By Sarah Jane Lanagan  | Dec 29, 2017

Concealer can work wonders in person but also helps us look great in pictures too. But we particularly love this one because it doesn't flash back.

When it comes to looking great in photos, concealer can make or break your picture. We've all seen ghost face (when the SPF in foundation flashes back) but I like to call the concealer version "Reverse Panda". So, with New Years Eve just around the corner, we thought it'd be the perfect time to let you know our secret weapon for the perfect selfie.


It comes in the form of the Charlotte Tilbury The Retoucher Concealers & Correctors (€33). Available in 10 shades, these gold pens might look like a Touche Eclat wannabe, but they're actually (whisper it...) much better. One of the reasons is, they don't cause flash back in photos. Also, rather than just acting as a highlighter, they have added coverage which makes them great concealers too.

In general we love concealer as it's the ultimate multi-tasking make-up product that helps us to look anywhere from human, right up to ultra glamourous. But these are a cut above. Not only are they great for banishing dark circles, but they're also handy for correcting mistakes, highlighting and creating both sharp lip lines and eyeliner flicks too.
€33 is a bit pricey, but when you pit it against some other similar style concealer/highlighter/corrector pens, these are worth the investment.