Christmas on So, What Did Santa Bring?

Christmas on So, What Did Santa Bring?
By  | Dec 26, 2010

It's St Stephen's day. Traditionally a day when you mostly feel like half woman half Christmas pudding - with the emphasis on pudding - but after the madness of the big day subsides, you can have a proper gander at your pressies.

Here's where to chat about what you got this year. Obviously you'll have been delira with the stuff you self-gifted, but of what you eagerly opened yesterday morning, did you love your gifts, or were there a couple that may be, shall we say ... questionable?


We want to hear all about the good, the bad and the truly terrible. Were you a victim of re-gifting? Oh, if so then please spill the details here.

And don't forget girls, if you've gotten any beauty bits you know you won't use, then think about using Swap Siopa to exchange them - it's free, and you might just end up with something really rather lovely instead.