Cara Delevingne v The Paparazzi

Cara Delevingne v The Paparazzi
By  | Sep 23, 2015

Cara Delevigne is currently doing the rounds at London Fashion Week, and therefore is obviously being followed by a string of paps everywhere she goes. Clearly there are some things that celebrities can't get used to, and who could blame them when they're not only getting followed, but temporarily blinded, shouted at, and - at times - downright goaded.

It seems that the paps in London are among the worst...

Followed by the snappers in Milan...

This then led to a tweet on average every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (I'm rubbish at maths, but you get the gist)...


So to clarify, she wants to pour hot cheese on them, what would make it more painful is if she actually poured it directly into their pores. Maybe that's what she meant.

Anyway, someone who totally gets what she means is fellow model and pap fodder Kendall Jenner...

@Caradelevingne preachhhhh

How would you handle being followed every time you stepped outside your door?