These skincare products will be huge in 2019

These skincare products will be huge in 2019
By Aisling Powell  | Feb 20, 2019

What can we expect in skincare trends in 2019? Aisling has a breakdown on the types of skincare products that will be big this year.

Up until quite recently, we were not as aware of what products to use, how to effectively use them, or what to avoid. But, like with the food and fitness industry, we are starting to read labels and educate ourselves around what will work and what is good for our specific skin needs.

Skin trends change every year; what can we expect to see in skincare trends this year?

CBD Oil / Cannabis-Infused Creams

One of the latest trends we will see is CBD oil infused skincare. You may have heard of this 'wonder drug' which is a natural remedy for people experiencing pain, anxiety and stress. There is nothing new about using this to treat these symptoms; medical marijuana has been used since the 1920s for these symptoms. With a lot of companies jumping on this bandwagon, be careful to choose a reputable company who has the ability to offer quality ingredients and lab test results.

Liquid Exfoliators 


Pixi Glow tonic saw the launch of one of the first exfoliator liquids. Up until that point, they weren't well used or known. In 2019, we will see the increase in acid-based toners to gently exfoliate your skin without harsh abrasion.

Environmentally friendly 

We are becoming more environmentally conscious as a nation which is excellent. Brands are looking to cut down on plastic packaging and find a sustainable alternative. Leading the pack are brands like Lush who will open their first packaging-free cosmetics shop in 2019 in the UK.

Water-free beauty 

The demand for water in the beauty industry is massive. But good news is at hand. L'oreal has committed to 60% reduction in water in their products by 2020. This goes for the use of water in their products and using water to use their products.


Witch Hazel 

Its an oldie but a goodie! Now we are becoming more aware of what ingredients we are putting on our skin and the ingrediants brands are adding into products. This oily skin aid is making a comeback as its 100% natural. You will start to see it in products and on its own as a toner.

Whole Body Skin Care

We are obviously aware of skincare for our face but we often forget our bodies. Your face needs to match the rest so keeping the skin on your body in top nick is so important. You will start to notice buzz ingredients appear in body products like hyaluronic acid, retinol, glycolic acid, AHAs, etc.

Dermatologist Strength Skincare

We are all becoming a lot more knowledgeable when it comes to our skin and what to put on it. We are now looking for products that target skin concerns like pigmentation, fine lines, dark spots and melasma. We want results-driven products and not just ones that smell and look nice on shelves.

These are your must-have skincare products for 2019. Keep your eyes peeled.