Brown eyeshadow does not suit everyone. The end

Brown eyeshadow does not suit everyone.  The end
By  | Sep 29, 2010

Makeup artists and magazines will all tell you that brown eyeshadow suits everyone. Oh yes, they will gush, brown brings a warm glow to the skin, defines the eyes and can look subtle or dramatic depending on how you apply it. It's the go to shade for eyes.

Blue eyeshadow is well recognised as being a danger area. Incredibly difficult to wear it suits only a few people - normally those will sallow or dark skin. Some blondes might get away with it, but a pale Irish cailin might find herself in difficulties. Glancing at yourself in a mirror and realising that you look like a throwback to the Eighties is not a nice surprise.

But brown eh? Brown suits everyone sure.

Well I disagree.


Brown eyeshadow makes me look like a cadaver. It sucks the life out of me and no matter what shade I try (and believe me I've tried the whole spectrum) I look like an extra from Twilight.

So to save myself from looking like one of the undead I stick to pinks, purples and greens. Not all at once mind.

What about you? Is there anyone else who suffers under the jackboot of brown eyeshadow's popularity?