Braun Silk Epil

Braun Silk Epil
By  | May 18, 2007

I know it's not just me who's chomping at the bit to get a hold of Braun's new Silk Epil epilator. The ads on telly make it look amazing! OK, ads on telly always make products look amazing, but this time, I think I may shell out the shekels and get it.

I had a go of Aphrodite's Philips epilator last weekend and even though she had dropped it on a towel the day before, and it had so effectively epilated it that it was full of threads, it still did a decent job - and that was at about half power, considering the amount of cotton caught up in it. I did her a favour and kindly tweezed the bits back out - who said I wasn't a kind, devoted sister, eh?

But this new Silk Epil is twice as effective as a regular epilator anyway, because it's got 40 tweezers in its frightening revolving head of hair removal-ness, making it quicker and more efficient than yer average epilator. It's also got something called SoftLip tips, which promise to raise flat lying hairs and hair as short as .5mm. Ohh. It's also got a light built in, so you'll never miss a hair again, AND you can also clip on a shaver attachment for tingly areas like the bikini line. Oh my word.


Ok, that's me convinced. I intend to rush out and buy this baby STAT - however it's not listed on the Boots site, and thusly I have no clear idea of price - but I think it may be about €80. Anyone seen it in the shops?