Bobbi Brown cleansing oil: an apology

Bobbi Brown cleansing oil: an apology
By  | Sep 20, 2010

I confess I did not like you much
In fact I told the world you sucked

I broke out in spots and blamed the oil
A big night out I'm afraid was spoiled

But I accidentally packed you for holidays
And whilst in Spain I liked your ways

My skin cleared up and got used to you
I like you now, I really do

Right so I'm never going to be a poet! But when I found this Bobbi Brown cleansing oil in my bag during holidays and used it and then kept on using it when I'd gotten home, I realised I'd been unfair in my review. Cleanser is a difficult one, because a change in formulation can cause breakouts as it clears out gunk from under the skin. But when your skin is used to the change it can clear up - and hey presto you find the cleanser does actually suit you.


But usually I throw it in the bin in a rage before giving it a second chance.

New products do take time to work on your skin. Something like anti ageing moisturiser or serum will take weeks, even though you may see immediate effects due to increased hydration.

Now don't get me wrong. I still don't think this is as good an oil as Shu Uemura and it's not as good as taking makeup off as it should be - but it's got nice skin softening properties and makes a good pre cleanser.

Have you ever done this? Judged something too quickly, vowed never to use it again and then (for whatever reason) given it another chance and found it quite good?

Read more reviews of oil cleansers:
Shu Uemura High Performance;
Shu Uemura Fresh;
Lancome Huile Clarte;
Mac Cleanse Off Oil
l’Occitane Almond Apple
Creme de La Mer Cleansing Oil
Keraskin Huile Nudite