I don't really know why I keep buying these things - they're handy, I suppose. But I'm always left with the nagging feeling that my face isn't quite clean enough, so I end up using about 4 each time. I've tried so many of them - Nivea, Simple, Boots own brand ones, Nutrogena - pretty much anyone who makes them, I've tried them.
Last time I went to get some in the supermarket they were doing a cheap offer on Olay Daily Facials Express (yes, I know it must seem like Olay are paying us, but rest assured they are not. Sadly) so I got them. And while they don't quite live up to their own hype they are a good bit better than other brands - each wipe is a decent size and not as flimsy as some can be. You can apparently use them to take off waterproof eye makeup too but a word of warning - they sting like hell. Use something else to take your mascara off with!