The 3 best face masks for glowing, fresh skin this winter

The 3 best face masks for glowing, fresh skin this winter
By Sarah Jane Lanagan  | Nov 30, 2016

Winter can be harsh on skin. Between central heating wreaking havoc on our complexion to stress, fatigue and general festivities keeping us up late, there’s no telling what way out poor little faces might do or when they might decide to retaliate.

The best cure is prevention, or so they say, so today we’re looking at some beauty mask essentials designed to help keep our skin looking fresh, plump and glowing no matter what happens.

  • Beat the Break Out

If there’s one thing that can be guaranteed, it’s that the second I pick up a glass of wine, my skin is already plotting its revenge – anyone else have that problem? Of course, sensible people would suggest maybe not to drink wine, but that’s not going to happen. So, in following the “prevention is better than cure” theory, a salicylic acid mask is the way to go

Una Brennan Super Facialist Salicylic Acid Anti Blemish Clay Mask (€9.33) is a great high street option, and as it’s under a tenner you won’t feel guilty liberally lashing it on either. Not only does it help to clear pores and absorb oil, but it also rebalances and hydrates skin thanks to additional ingredients such as acai honey and avocado oil.

  • Rejuvenate Tired Eyes

It’s often said that our hands and neck are the first places to show signs of ageing, and in the grand scheme of things, that is probably true. But for many of us, it’s our eyes that give it all away. Big, black circles, puffiness and dehydration lines around our eyes don’t exactly scream youthful exuberance - which is where a targeted mask can come in very handy.

Guinot’s Masque Yeux Age Logic (€43.75 for a pack of 4) are sheet masks loaded with serum, specially designed to target the signs of tired eyes: reducing puffiness, smoothing lines and brightening skin. The shape hugs the contours of the eye area, as well as in between brows (very important to get those frown lines too!) making them a great pick-me-up, whether you’re party bound, or just need some help on a Monday morning.

  • Nourish dry skin

Dehydration and dryness are probably the most common skin concerns when it comes to winter time, but when you add in any kind of stress of late nights to the mix, skin can become uncomfortable and tight.

The Body Shop launched a collection of face masks earlier this year and in it is the Ethopian Honey Deep Nourishing Mask (€25) designed to “cocoon your skin in moisture” bringing it back from the brink, even in the depths of winter. The fairtrade honey mask also includes marula oil and olive oil to help repair, soothe and nourish. Oh, and it smells delicious too!

Have you tried any of these yet? Do you have any other favourites to add to the list?